Posts filed under 'technology'

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Comparison of online print services

By kate on November 8th, 2019

This year, I created a follow-up project to the one on working with professional printers. I ordered a copy of the same cartographic image from 14 different online print services and compared the results. In my talk at the annual NACIS conference in Tacoma, I revealed the customer experience and print quality of each. Someday […]

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What to know about printing maps

By kate on January 24th, 2019

In October, I gave this presentation at the annual NACIS conference in Norfolk, VA. I designed and gave the talk, but the printing expert who provided the content (and a video cameo) was my late and greatly missed colleague Bruce Daniel. Imprimatur: Printing Maps in Today’s Digital World If you want to print a map, what do you […]

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Getting the most out of a conference

By kate on January 24th, 2019

In October, I gave this presentation at the annual NACIS (North American Cartographic Information Society) conference in Norfolk, VA. Be a Cartography Expert in Three Easy Steps How to give a presentation about a conference. Focused on this cartography conference but applicable to any conference.

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Cartography conference talk

By kate on November 19th, 2017

Last month, I gave a presentation at the annual NACIS (North American Cartographic Information Society) conference in Montreal. The Journey from Raster to Vector Basemaps with ArcGIS Esri customers are watching companies like Mapbox dazzle the cartographic world with vector tile mapping and wondering when the benefits of vector tiles will be within reach. Now […]

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Winning GIS Presentation

By kate on May 7th, 2015

This week, I attended the GIS in Action conference and competed in the Dick Thomas Memorial Student Presentation Competition. I’m excited to say that my project won first place! We presented the work we did for the Washington Poison Center: analyzing their call data, then creating static, animated, and interactive maps they can use for […]

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Urbanspoon (and I) oppose SOPA

By kate on January 18th, 2012

[I’m honored to be the one asked to write my company’s blog post for today’s SOPA/PIPA blackout. I’m re-printing it here.] Why Can’t I See Reviews on Urbanspoon? Today on Urbanspoon, you’ll notice that some content in the United States has been blacked out. We’re making this dramatic gesture to illustrate what might happen to […]

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