I’m just full of things to share today

By kate on April 5th, 2004

I’ve long been jealous of smokers and their smoke breaks. It’s such a good idea to take little 5- or 10-minute breaks during the day to step outside. But I’m not a smoker, and it’s weird to do so without a cigarette, or anything to give you a reason to be there.
So I came up with the tea break. I now try to do this every non-rainy afternoon between about 2-3pm. I have a pot of tea every day (at least one), so sometime when I can get a minute, I’ll pour a mug and slip up to the third-floor balcony that my building has.
Sitting out there with a steaming mug of tea adds what I felt was missing. I have something I can hold, inhale, consume. My time out there is now delineated by how long it takes to drink the mug. I don’t have to look at a watch – I just go back in when I’m done. And I can enjoy the fresh air, and sunshine when the sun’s out.
I’m just heading to a tea break now…

Filed under: life, tea
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5 Responses to “I’m just full of things to share today”

  1. cerebralcrunch Says:

    Why not! The Brits do it! And the mexicans get a 2 hour nap in the middle of their day, so yay.

  2. yruugrrl Says:

    I’m totally going to do this. I even have tea at work already, but I always feel too rushed to just go sit for a minute or two. NO MORE! Tea breaks for sure.

    P.S. Lots of Latin countries do siestas, not just Mexico. 🙂

  3. girlkate Says:

    Ah, I would love to live in a society that takes siestas. That sounds like such a civilized way to live.

    Hell, it’d just be nice to live in a society where everyone took their vacation time (and got a decent amount).

  4. cerebralcrunch Says:

    I’m sure they do. I’ve only heard of Mexico doing it. It goes back to that discussion of Mexico Vs. Spain. They are no where near each other, yet people confuse them all the time because the people in both countries speak Spanish.

    I only heard of Mexico and actually napping during the work day. So, that’s where I’m coming from.

  5. cerebralcrunch Says:

    I haven’t had a vacation in 4 years.

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