Associated Press tattoo article

By kate on July 14th, 2007

A couple of months ago, I was interviewed by a freelance AP reporter who was writing an article about new tattoo trends. He found my website, specifically the page on my inkless tattoos, and wanted to ask me about them. He told me that the story would go out on the wire in mid-June, and he’d let me know if it ran anywhere. When I didn’t hear back, I assume the story wasn’t picked up.

Today, I thought to search for it, and to my surprise, it was picked up by a few newspapers, including by our own Seattle Times (even though the article doesn’t say I’m from Seattle). I guess it’s a bad sign for the newspaper industry (sigh) when nobody mentioned seeing my name.

Here’s the article. I was pleased to see I came off sounding articulate.

Filed under: body, media
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One Response to “Associated Press tattoo article”

  1. Stan Says:

    Well, I cant agree more.

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