Wearing black again

By kate on November 4th, 2004

I’m not feeling any better about things today. If anything, I’m filled with a little less rage and a little more despair after reading in the paper about the administration’s plans for the next four years. And this idea that progressives should be hopeful after what we managed to accomplish just isn’t working for me. If we couldn’t do it now, trying as hard as we were, when will it ever work?

Also I’d like to make one point. People just cannot stop talking about how it was the voters who valued MORALS that voted for Bush, that MORALS tipped it in Bush’s favor, and that Kerry voters were more interested in ISSUES than MORALS.

Bullshit! Bullshitbullshitbullshit!

I have morals. I voted for Kerry because of my morals, not because I don’t have any! For fuck’s sake! It’s just that my own (perfectly strong, thank you) moral code doesn’t think it’s right to invade countries and kill the inhabitants on a flimsy pretext. I believe we have a moral obligation to protect our environment and the rights of minorities. In an ever-shrinking world, I think it is immoral to continue to ignore and alienate your neighbors. I could go on.

I refuse to let the religious fucking right de-value my MORALS by calling them ISSUES instead, just because I don’t agree with them!

Filed under: current events
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