Hair Update

By kate on April 22nd, 2004

Some of my principal excitement in the last year has been about what I’ve done with my hair. For a while in 2002-2003, my hair was long and blue. However, eventually I got tired of the upkeep (blue fades quickly) and how the bleach was wrecking my hair.

So, I took it all off, shaving my head (down to the skin) in March 2003. It was something I had to do once in my life, so I’m glad I did it. I wasn’t really crazy about the no-hair look, but I did like the extremely short look:

I may go back to that one day, who knows. The idea was that I was starting over and would no longer bleach or dye my hair. The no-dye resolution only lasted a few months before I got bored again. (I still plan on never bleaching again – the damage wasn’t worth it.)

Last summer, I decided to dye my hair black after looking over a bunch of old photos and remember how much I liked it last time I had black hair. Steve suggested I do one more wacky color before going to (the basically permanent) black. I was amenable, and told Steve to choose the color.

I trusted him so much that I let him put the color on my hair before finding out what it was. I was expecting maybe orange or bright red, but instead he chose green, my favorite color.

To my surprise, I really liked the way it looked. And to my further surprise, green is an excellent hair color because it doesn’t really fade. If you don’t refresh blue every couple of weeks, you start to get a really gross color. Green, on the other hand, loses some vibrancy but the tone stays pretty much the same. The only times I’ve had to re-dye is when my roots get too long.

I shelved the plans to go black and have kept the green since then. So far, I still like it and am planning to continue as my hair grows back. Here’s my current color and length:

Filed under: body, hair
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